Soon to be available on Amazon

The Kennedi Identity

Book 4 of the Jensen Siblings series

Having a baby in a gas station attracted more attention than fifteen-year-old Kennedi wanted. Attention that led to placement with foster mom Amanda who seems overly controlling, and foster dad Henry who seems annoyed at her presence. When Henry suggests they look for her baby’s unknown father through a DNA heritage service to extract monetary restitution from him, Kennedi wonders if Henry is really trying to find relatives to send her to.

The baby’s DNA results match with members of a paternal clan but lack matches to Kennedi’s own family lineage, leading to events that have her questioning her whole identity.

And maybe her foster parents aren’t so bad. After all, Henry defended her at a hostile family reunion. With their help, she connects with relatives she never knew she had, people who want her. But after years of instability, does Kennedi want to leave the people who finally made her feel like family to join others who merely share her DNA? Does she have a choice?

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